Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Today I met a biker.

Some people just thrum with life. You know what I mean? There are people in the world who seem to enjoy every moment, to take pleasure in the simple act of being alive. It doesn't mean they are always happy go lucky, just that they have somehow gotten the memo that this is our one shot on earth.

Alas, I think these people are few and far between, but when you come across them you feel the vibration they give off and it reminds you that life is here to savor.

Anywho, today I met a biker. Well, I didn't really meet him. Mostly I listened to him chat with a lovely gentleman who wore a big vest and a blue scarf with a Saints flag on his bicycle. Then I listened to him exclaim his pleasure at seeing an old friend who rode onto the ferry right before we took off for Algiers. The biker's bike was laden with gear bags and he was dark from the sun with sinewy muscles that told the story of many many miles.

He took a picture of the man with the Saints flag and then asked to take my picture as I perched at my usual spot on the rail. I said yes and afterwards he came over to chat.

I didn't get his name but I know that he has adventured on his bicycle from California, up to Seattle, across to Washington DC, then to New Orleans to stay with a friend. 8,500 miles. He had bright blue eyes and enthusiasm radiated from him.

8,500 miles of crossing paths with complete strangers, engaging in a thousand points of connection with fellow human beings you know you will never see again, but enjoy getting to know for the briefest of moments all the same. Now that is adventure.

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